Saturday, January 19, 2008

Weekday Schedule and TeleferiQo

After two full weekdays in Quito I have established somewhat of a schedule.

7am - wake up
8am - eat breakfast
take ecovia bus to Mariscal (10 - 15 min ride)
9 - 1pm - spanish class
lunch, walk and explore, internet
6pm - return home
7 - 9pm - dinner and chat con mi familia
9 - 10pm - telenovela (spanish soap) and homework

I spent today with my roommate, Lily. It was very sunny and warm! We took a taxi to the TeleferiQo, a lift that takes you way up into the mountains surrounding the city. You can look down on the whole city. We both felt a little light headed and strange from the altitute, twice that of Quito, but it was still very nice breathing the fresh air and taking in the view. In the afternoon she helped me buy a cheap local phone plan, she speaks fluent spanish. Then I found a good pizza restaurant (with the help of the guide book) for lunch.

1 comment:

Specialkalle said...

Sounds like everything is going well, can't wait to see pics. Have fun! I hope it's very warm there, b/c it's like FREEZING (30 degrees) back in b-more.